Seventy-five Percent of Americans Want Health Information Shared Between Physicians
A national survey conducted by the Society for Participatory Medicine showed that “Nearly 75 percent of American adults surveyed believe it is very important that their critical health information should be easily shared between physicians, hospitals and other health care providers”.
The current healthcare system consists of individual silos each independent from the next. The sharing of clinical data is difficult between silos. Multiple studies and pilot programs have demonstrated reductions in hospital admissions and healthcare costs using programs to coordinate care and facilitate information exchange among multiple providers. Still the exchange of clinical information is cumbersome.
For patients with chronic medical conditions, the need for collaboration is even more critical. These patients typically see multiple providers. For example, a patient with congestive heart failure and COPD may see an internist, a cardiologist and a pulmonologist. To provide the best care possible, each one of these providers needs to be aware of changes in the patient’s clinical condition.
In order to improve the delivery of healthcare, the approach to managing this population needs updating. Health data should be visible to the patient and all providers caring for a patient in real time. Together Clinic provides a solution for patient/provider care coordination.
As actively practicing physicians, the founders of Together Clinic understand the importance of care collaboration and sharing healthcare information among patients and providers in the management of chronic health conditions. Let us help your practice provide the best care possible.